Because Your Opinion Matters
LifeMagic Group presently has 2 business verticals: 1. Fractional COO Services - Providing solutions to functional businesses and coaches through our multi-dimensional expertise and experience. - Scaling up businesses through automation, integration, process setting and much more. - Strategizing with coaches to create, align and grow their impact and vision of success. - Facilitating business leaders in creating authority through writing books (end to end services). 2. Experiential Life Mentoring - Providing breakthrough processes in experiential retreats and creating new life designs - Holistic growth for entrepreneurs and corporate leaders by curating impactful life blueprints - Specialized life camps for men and women to understand, balance and nurture their energies - Specialized life camps for couples to (re) connect with each other emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually - Specialized life camps for youth between 13-18 years to train, coach and create belief systems for life subjects such as relationships, finance, job versus business and many more.