I Am Student
Covering technology news and bringing out a trend analysis, Be responsible for breaking news and leading online conversations about companies big and small, Talking to industry leaders for finding out the market trends, Digging, curating and reporting news around our domain, Write and publish multiple pieces on busy days, ranging from quick 300-word items to photo galleries to tracking the latest on a breaking news event, Work closely with the content distribution team for distribution of the published content to the relevant audience, Report news out as necessary, on tight deadlines, which includes making calls, asking tough questions, and pursuing a story aggressively.
iamwire is a platform dedicated to help new-age entrepreneurs and professionals in their business growth. It is a destination to get awareness, gain relevant knowledge and receive fundraising support. Through content it furnishes ‘use-formation’ on digital business movements and technological innovations that are shaping the culture and human behaviour across the globe. Since 2011, it has been acting as a platform for startups and entrepreneurs to showcase their products to the world, and further acts like a bridge between startups and investors. Focussing on the emerging markets around the globe, it also stands tall amongst the top content destinations for eCommerce and startups in India.