I Am Student
SmileBots offers you a position for Full Stack Javascript intern where you'll be making a live Multi-platform app covering Browsers, Android, iOS and other major platforms using the cutting edge technologies including MongoDB, Facebook's React JS, Blaze, HTML5, and so on. You'll be working hands-on on a live project with your name mentioned on the Developer's list on the website. ( And the stipend is extra! )
Smilebots is a Hands On Learning solution for K-12 education. Currently, we are working with students of classes 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th to boost creativity, logical thinking, and problem solving capabilities in them. We use productive activities as a tool to help our students meet their learning goals. Established educational models such as Bloom’s Taxonomy, Cognitive Load Theory, and Hermann’s Whole Brain Model have been instrumental in defining our very own pedagogy.