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Greeting from HP Enterprise, INDIA, CHENNAI. Hewlett Packard or HP was founded in the year 1939 by Bill Hewlett & Dave Packard with headquarters in Palo Alto, California, United States. NOW HP ENTERPRISE provides new Technology training support to students through our training across the globe. We are very glad to invite your students to take part our programs and strengthening their academic profile to meet the corporate challenges. Internship @ HP Enterprise Objective: To develop the project in Specific Domain. Venue : @ our campus. Note: Completion students are eligible for Placement Drive Student Name: Department: Mobile No: E mail : Domain: For further info & Registration contact the undersigned. online registration URL www.hptraining.co.in your referrel id:hpes4307(mention this referral id before of your name on the name field) Warm Regards, Technical Lead Abirami-9380407007 HP company, Velachery, Chennai-42.
Hewlett-Packard company events included the spin-off of its electronic and bio-analytical measurement instruments part of its business as Agilent Technologies in 1999, its merger with Compaq in 2002, and the acquisition of EDS in 2008, which led to combined revenues of $118.4 billion in 2008 and a Fortune 500 ranking of 9 in 2009. In November 2009, HP announced the acquisition of 3Com,[4] with the deal closing on April 12, 2010.[5] On April 28, 2010, HP announced the buyout of Palm, Inc. for $1.2 billion.[6] On September 2, 2010, HP won its bidding war for 3PAR with a $33 a share offer ($2.07 billion), which Dell declined to match.[7] On October 6, 2014, Hewlett-Packard announced plans to split the PC and printers business from its enterprise products and services business. The split closed on November 1, 2015, and resulted in two publicly traded companies: HP Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.[8] In 2017, Hewlett Packard Enterprise spun-off it's Enterprises Services division as DXC Technology and its Software division to Micro Focus.
Internship Domains: Big Data Cloud computing Secure computing Data mining Semantic Mining Networking Service Computing IOT S/W Testing Network Security Android Web Technology Java Applications Embedded (atmel,arduino,pic,arm) VLSI Robotics Eligible stream: B.E/B.Tech,MCA, M.Sc., Fee Details: Internship: 80Hrs – Rs:6500 (Training + Certification) : 40Hrs – Rs: 3700 (Training + Certification) Placement Support Companies : HP, HCL, Wipro ,Reliance