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Service experience research: Understanding behaviors, motivations, needs, and pain-points of our users and designing new service experiences which make waste segregation effortless, easy, and fun. Audio-Visual interfaces: Designing new and innovative audio-visual interfaces for semi and low literate users which help them leverage technology better. IOT/ Wearables: Designing propositions which help make the technology invisible in our services. Data design : Using data as a medium to create immersive and rich experiences. Print/ Communication design: Design solutions to create awareness and mobilize citizens and businesses via offline and online media.
An intelligent waste management network powering recycling economies. We ensure waste-to-resource conversion from source to destination for businesses + residential communities with real-time operations + behaviour management across the network. It's as easy and smart as hailing an Uber, for all your garbage needs. Collectors get greener, steadier jobs while biogas plants, composting facilities, piggeries, and recyclers get better raw materials.
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