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1. Operations 2. Planning 3. Support You will be responsible in the initial period to work with the team in planning and executing projects, with a lot of time in the office and at project sites, once you have a hang of the business, individual responsibilities will be handed over for you to plan and manage.
Scoop Holdings is an award winning full service event production outfit which consciously aims at creating an engaging experience while being ROI effective. Founded in 2011, our core service was organizing corporate events in the NCR region. Leading to an augmented service, aimed at being a delightfully immersive experience. An approach that’s led to a burgeoning client list which spans five continents across the European Union, America, Middle East, Japan and the Indian subcontinent. Scoop Holdings is a highly motivated enterprise of a talented pool of visualizers, producers, artists, and management team dedicated to getting you a bang for your buck! State of the art technology and innovative strategy converge to create a satisfying customer and audience experience. Scoop Holdings is part of a growing network of alliances with technology companies, technical talent, rental companies, productions managers, integrators & content companies across the globe, making it a marketplace of local and international talent.
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