I Am Student
1. Publicize The Science Fair 2018 of our company online and offline 2. Plan various marketing activities to engage more and more people for The Science Fair 2018 from your campus. 3. Promote events on all widely used social media platforms 4. Think of various online and offline marketing activities 5. Manage the event on social media to make it successful 6. Generate Leads
NK Learnicare is social initiative, whose main focus will be improving education in India and increasing educational exposure within Indian students. Being an NIT Surat Alumni's, we observed the main thing that creates the difference between students of Top and Reputed colleges and other colleges is knowledge exposure available by Top and Reputed colleges, while other college students lack that thing. What NK Learnicare will do is just bridge that knowledge exposure, as every student must get benefit to choose their way. NK Learnicare will organize seminars and workshops, and different educational training which are already going in Top and Reputed colleges. NK Learnicare have tie ups with some companies, and some colleges. If this goes on, then we can assume in coming few years, students will get placements based on their performance and not based on their college value.
Certificate PPO