I Am Student
We require a content marketing intern who has a great command over English language both verbal and written, He/She must also have good Photoshop and illustrator knowledge for content creation He/She should think creative and generate ideas and content that for generating audience of various social media channels Be a part of AQ O Yes Yes!
Altitude Quest Adventure (AQ), an adventure travel & outbound training firm based in Mumbai. Guarantees authentic travel experiences to its travellers backed by its motto of ‘Transformational Experience’ with unparalleled value and expertise inculcated in its dedicated and professional team to offer unmatched standard of performance. Pragmatic innovations of its product range are always foremost in its agenda. We are outfitters of adventure, outdoor activities & team building games for kids, groups, institutions and corporate.\\r\\n \\r\\nFor us, it is the experience that people /groups enjoy with each other on our outdoor events, the way they realize there true potential to achieve things and in manner they appreciate our work is what makes us more grateful to do more for them every time in our every event. We love to create great memories that people carry with them from our events.
great working environment, opportunity of going on outdoor treks with us,decision making, almost no pressure