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Roles and Responsibilities Be involved in B2B and B2C Sales. Be involved in the Sales of Health Offerings of BTV's Health Partners. One needs to also join at least 1 more Team of Beat The Virus such as HR, Partnership Team, Social Media Team, Tech Team, etc.
For Preventing Coronavirus and building Life Long Health of potentially millions of Employees and their families globally, Beat The Virus Startup through its 300+ Team Members offers Consultancy and Deployment of 15+ Categories of Immunity Boosting Solutions for Staff Working from Home and their Families Globally. We also offer Work from Office Immunity Solutions in India, Spain, Italy, Germany, UK, France and USA.
They are mentioned in http://bit.ly/offerletter1 Desired Candidate Profile - Please refer to our Offer letter http://bit.ly/offerletter1 for benefits, work details, terms, etc. If you are fine with the same then please join us by joining our Whatsapp group https://bit.ly/BTVJOININGGROUP by pasting this link on any Whatsapp chat. Once one joins the Whatsapp Group, one needs to post one's Name and Email id there and we will email the Offer Letter ( http://bit.ly/offerletter1 ).