I Am Student
The intern will be responsible for developing the following :- 1) a mobile application that can capture pictures taken through mobile and save them to a google server database. 2) capability to geo-tag the data where the picture has been taken (this will mostly be in rural areas) 3) Ability to associate the captured pictures with a particular account in the google server database. 4) Ability to add other information related to the picture and save in the google server database 5) Ability to capture data and save if the internet is not available and then sync when the internet becomes available
Precify is an Agri-Technology product and services organization which help farmers in better farm level decision making. We do this by sharing insights and advisory about their field using Dynamic Farm-Level data about micro-climate, soil and plant parameters. Precify is founded by IIM Ahmedabad Alumni with extensive experience with respect to developing and scaling up products and services for farmers.
1. Certificate 2. Letter of Recommendation 3. experience of Working on Live project