Learn and get expertise through Internships

Internships Modules

Responsibilities: ? Perform data entry and analysis in order to help staff better understand the organization’s current and future needs ? Increase program efficiency by providing insight into which activities should be continued or discontinued ? Advise program managers on donor trends, resource needs, and revenue expectations ? Develop targeted outreach strategies in order to optimize donor yield and engagement ? Other duties as assigned Qualifications: ? Excellent time management skills ? Has attained upperclassman status at an accredited college or university ? Must possess a high level of expertise in mathematics ? Must possess the ability to analyse, model, and interpret data ? Must display a methodical and logical approach to problem solving ? Data entry and analysis experience a plus, but not required

SchooPed is leading the charge in regional and international teacher recruitment in China, India, Thailand and Vietnam. Showcase yourself as a " Professional Teacher" on the internet. Discover the best teaching opportunities in the countries we operate and get hired from whichever corner of the world you are in. Schools could post jobs and discover a pool of untapped teaching talent. Shuffle through portfolios of talented teachers interested to relocate and grow in your part of the world.

Monthly stipend - INR 1,000 - 2,000