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Rage Coffee is an FMCG brand selling small batch crystallised instant coffee. The first product we’ve launched is a formulated coffee that is infused with 6 plant based vitamins which synergistically work with caffeine bringing in a caffeine kick that feels & tastes like freshly ground coffee. We’ve created craft coffee that is instantly consumable - ready to mix - and is convenient to carry in biodegradable tube shots. Why is Rage Coffee® winning? No instant coffee has ever been produced in the way Rage is being made in small batches which is not only a very tedious and expensive process but also gives us a coffee that is aromatic with super clean flavours and high caffeine intensity. * Our supply chain from coffee beans in Harar, Ethiopia to Rhodiola from Siberian mountains to Ginkgo Biloba from Indonesia * Our proprietary plant based vitamins formulation giving you a distinctive caffeine "kick" unlike any other coffee before. And its all natural :) * Our small batch crystallisation which is the first of its kind in the world * Our world's first biodegradable PET ready to mix coffee shots which you can use anywhere on-the-go
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