I Am Student
You are competent in at least two psychological models one being CBT or third wave psychotherapy model. • You have experience of working with a wide range of clinical presenting difficulties of varying severity. • You are competent in assessing and treating severe psychological disorders, especially avoidant and borderline personality disorder as well as addiction and sexual dysfunction. • You are able to engage with clients who present with anger issues, sexual difficulties (anxieties around sexual performance and erectile dysfunction), eating disorders and additive/impulsive behaviours, and histories of emotional, interpersonal and behavioural difficulties. • You have experience of exercising full clinical responsibility for clients’ psychological care and treatment. • You can formulate plans for psychological treatment and/or management of a client’s presenting difficulties. Your formulations are grounded in theoretical and therapeutic models. You have the ability to reformulate and modify treatment options through continual engagement and assessment with the client. • You are able to set out and hold boundaries with clients including adhering to regular weekly sessions and a cancellation policy. • You should see the clinical importance and value of being loyal, hard working and committed to clients and to your professional development. • Although you have full autonomy of your clinical practice, you will work in a manner that presents both you & the group professionally at all times, and preserves company reputation.
we are a startup into Bl2B and B2C Solutons and services , recently launched our two startups in india and expanding globally
All inclusive