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The selected intern(s) will work on following during the internship: 1. Create appealing Ads for given keywords on regular basis
RDeco.in is a new start up dedicated to Exclusive Brand promotions & Advertising for Building products / materials, Home Decoration / Renovation / Interior Decoration - Products & Services across India - in the Online searches.\\r\\n\\r\\nWe have introduced Exclusivity in Online Brand Promotions - We offer Competition Free Brand Promotion & Advertising on our site, Freedom from long term commitment - Companies can test our service for even a month initially - All this at Unbeatable Price.\\r\\n\\r\\nPeople with back ground of advertisement space selling on Virtual / Digital Media / Portals / Websites, willing to contribute with commercial interest are welcomed.\\r\\n\\r\\nPeople who think they can contribute to the success of this portal are invited to join.
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