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- Adding new hiring information to our employee records, evaluating resumes, and scheduling interviews. -Managing the team and ensuring that your team meets weekly business engagement metrics. - Working with the management of IFORTIS WORLDWIDE to coordinate initiatives (this involves representing the company and speaking on its behalf). - Managing leadership and accountability for your own group.
IFortis Worldwide has grown into one of India’s leading companies. A wholly-owned subsidiary of American Ruler Private Limited. Since its inception, IFortis Worldwide has believed in continuous evolution, not only by broadening its horizons from technical to managerial services, but also by expanding this platform globally to better serve the needs of its customers. IFortis also noticed what had become an industry standard: a lack of communication. As a result, IFortis made the strategic decision to establish its own headquarters in India in order to better serve its customers.
Letter of Excellence Letter of Recommendation Monthly rewards on good performance