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No. Of Openings: 03 Course: Bachelors Fashion Communication/ Masters in Fashion Management Project Brief: Content creation for Social Media - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and our Blog, Interacting with Journalists and media.
ayesha accessories is an innovative home-grown brand based out of Pondicherry which brings the best of international style and quality in accessories to the Indian market, all with a nuance of Indian sensibilities. Started in 2010, ayesha was the first brand to transition fashion accessories from the informal street markets to curated collections in exclusive shops and department stores, while maintaining the same affordable prices. Today, the name ayesha resonates with young women all across India and remains the only Indian brand in the fashion accessories market. Our mission is to be the top brand for fashion accessories with up to 500 retail points across India, the Asian market and the Middle East, with an emphasis on strong, confident women.
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