I Am Student
During the internship period the candidates will be provided with live industry experience and in-depth practical knowledge which will help them in the long run for a successful career in the financial services industry. The candidates will get on-site work experiences, possibly related to their major or career interests, that allow them to test drive career options, develop important career related skills, and establish relationships with people and organizations that may ultimately help them land a great job after graduation.
Hedge Group of Companies includes Hedge Equities, Hedge WMS, Hedge Finance, Hedge School of Applied Economics and Hedge Ohari. Hedge Equities is one of the leading financial services providers specialized in offering a wide range of financial products, tailor-made to suit individual needs. Ever since our inception in 2008, we have spanned our presence all over India through our meticulous research, high brand awareness, intellectual management, and extensive industry knowledge. Our Vision: At Hedge Equities, we endeavor to become a well reputed financial service super-mart catering to the evolving needs and unique requirements of our clients by partnering with them to build, manage and grow their wealth. Company Website: www.hedgeequities.com; www.hedgefinance.com; www.wmshedge.com; www.schoolofhedge.com, www.hedgeohari.com
Certificate, Live Industry Experience