I Am Student
SPRAT’s internship is regarded a unique attraction by those committed to creating, sharing or acquiring knowledge, have the self-respect to contribute productively, are adaptable to new environments, possess a sportive nature and a sense of humour, and look upon this as a unique learning opportunity. It is essentially a happy learning – but not tourism - opportunity.
Welcome to the domain of rationality!\r\n\r\nWe are a secular society that abides by reason, science, constitutionalism and humanism. When we started as an informal entity in late 1998, we confined ourselves largely to science promoting activities. The communal violence of 2002 in Gujarat (India) shook us completely and compelled us to embark on a comprehensive strategy of grass roots social work. We made a humble beginning with urgent relief for riot victims, thanks to the spontaneous help of good Samaritans.
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