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Must Have: 1. Basic knowledge of HTML tags. 2. Excellent typing and writing skills. 3. Knowledge of proper English grammar (written). 4. Electronics (ECE / EEE) background preferred. What to Expect: 1. Responsible for listing/updating products to RoboRium.com and tracking their inventory. 2. Majorly work from home, with office visit limited to once a week if required.
JMoon (pronounced: jay-moon) Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a consumer robotics company, working towards introducing robots to future households, and based in New Delhi, India. What do we do? RoboRium.com sells the best quality international robotic products at the lowest prices in India online. Maker Mandi empowers individuals and startups to sell their products and prototypes. JMoon Labs (formerly L.A.B.S.) is the research and development division focused on creating new hardware for applications in robotics, internet of things, and wearables. We also work with other companies to provide tech solutions to their custom problems. JMoon MakerSpace gives makers access to our tools.
Internship Stipend: INR 4 per existing product update. INR 8 per new product listing.