I Am Student
**This is a Go2Market case internship. You will work closely with the founders’ office.** The project involves 3 phases ???? **Phase 1: Strategic thinking and planning** You are expected to submit a case study. The case study should cover the following points: 1. Who, in your opinion, will be the key early adapter Target Group for Mingout? 2. What are the demographic and behavioural characteristics of this identified group? 3. What are the 5 most common hangout places and/or hobbies of this TG 4. How will you talk to them 1. Think of one tagline with this TG in mind 2. Think of 3 places you can reach them outside of Instagram/Facebook 3. Write a Playstore/Appstore description to convince this TG to download the app Other questions to consider: 1. Will the approach change depending on the gender? 2. What are the wants and needs of the TG that Mingout can solve? Please prepare a maximum 10 page presentation for the same. **Submission timeline** will be communicated over email to cohort members. **Pro Tip:** **To help you understand more about Mingout and answer queries, Harshveer (co-founder) will hold a virtual meet-up. The time and date of the meet-up will be communicated to you over email.** ????**Phase 2: Consumer psychology and communication** You are expected to plan (not execute) 5 meet-ups for the identified TG in mind. This can include something as simple as a café meet-up or house party to something as engaging as a workshop, dance class or even a trek. Be careful of the following points: 1. Will this event be safe for everyone of all genders? 2. How expensive is this event? Would people from the TG pay up for something like this? 3. Will you be able to manage conducting it by yourself? 4. How long before do you need people to confirm so that you can make the necessary arrangements? 5. What are the logistics you will need to take care of – travel, food, stay, or any props? 6. How will you secure venue permissions if required? Please submit a plan for the five events. The template to fill will be shared over email. This will lead us to phase 3 where you are expected to conduct the planned events. **Submission timeline** will be communicated over email to cohort members. **Pro Tip:** **To help you learn about event planning, Navdeep (co-founder, ex. Time Group) will conduct an event planning masterclass. The date and time will be communicated over email.** ????**Phase 3: On ground execution** Here, you are expected to conduct minimum 3 such meet-ups. You will have to create 1. The invitation for the meetup for social media, whatsapp and email 2. The guestlist – a good idea is to reach out to friends and friends of friends. People are always looking for something fun to do! 3. The itinerary and in event plan – what will happen, who will do what, how many people do you want to invite and so on 4. Post event material – a nice album of pictures and videos 5. Testimonials and feedback from attendees – preferable in a short 10-15 second video format You will also be expected to be a gracious host and make sure people break the ice and connect with each other. IF you are not a super social person, you can always a find a friend who can help you with this. We all know one social butterfly :P **Pro Tip:** Mentors will be allotted to students who successfully complete phases 1 and 2. These mentors will help you out with execution concerns. ???? **Only student completing all 3 phases successfully will be given a certificate. The minimum requirement to be considered as successful completion are:** 1. Up to 10 page presentation on Target Group 2. 5 event plans submitted in the shared format 3. 3 events with minimum 10 attendees each, 1 feedback video per event, 1 social media post and 1 event photo/video gallery (this is the minimum expectation – you are free to host more events or invite more people) ???? **Rewards and recognition** 1. The top 10 students will be given an opportunity to pursue a **live project with Mingout (in-semester) with a monthly stipend ranging from INR 10k to INR 20k** 1. The students will also get LoRs from founders and a certificate of excellence 2. The decision will be based on the quality of case study, event plans and attendance and reviews at the events 2. All students who complete the 3 phases successfully will be given a **certificate of completion and INR 5,000 stipend** 3. We will also reward the students hosting the top 10 events (measured by attendance, reviews and photo/video gallery). They will receive a **special certificate of appreciation** and will also be invited for an **all-expenses paid trip to an exclusive Mingout Mixer**. 4. **Special surprise rewards** to individuals who can generate viral social media buzz for their events/Mingout (it could be a PS4, smartwatch or an all-expenses paid spa day…it all depends on the virality). Virality will be measured through various indicators - e.g. a PR article by a major media house covering your initiative. **Why apply?** 1. MBB Case Cracking Methodology: this internship is designed to replicate a typical PMO case study at a top tier firm (mentored by ex. Bain/BCG consultants) 2. Measurable learning: with clearly laid out objective, this internship allows you a chance to measure your learning transparently (every successful completion will be given a chance for a 1 on 1 feedback session with the founders) 3. Fun: at the end of the day, your one line JD is to ‘host awesome parties’ (you’ll anyway enjoy the weekends - might as well learn and earn on the way?) **Opportunities:** 1. Have a fun summer: what’s a better excuse to host a party and meet new people than ‘Its part of my job!’ 2. Become a Mingout host: join the ranks of Harshveer, Sagar, Mahak, Arya and earn by hosting events on Mingout 3. Explore yourself: you have a chance to start a community around your own interests **Application form: [Fill the form here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOzGLdn5JWmUxrn1K8kggKlDcAvGOzv75-1jSPrTa6AmXd4w/viewform)**
Mingout is an early stage startup solving for the last-mile of dating. We are curently scaling our tech and product divisions and rolling out the MVP - a product to tie together match-making with date planning and execution.
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