I Am Student
We offer great opportunity for the students to learn about various interesting topics such as- Personal Branding, Vedic Mathematics, E- Commerce, Ethical Hacking and Digital Media. The workshop on these topics is taken by experts of the same field. The vision behind these workshops is to spread awareness among the students and to help them to learn about new things. Students will get benefit such us:
E commerce is the process of conducting business through electronic means via the internet. This includes purchasing and selling products, information or professional services all of which are accomplished through fax, email, and the use of various other electronic tools. Some businesses operate solely in the electronic realm while other businesses operate traditional offices and stores while also managing a virtual office or store on the internet. E-commerce provides opportunities to reach populations globally which would have been difficult, if not impossible.
Eligibility Criteria:The pre-requisite for joining this workshop is zero. This Workshop is best suited for VII to XII Standard Students. Content: The program will be for two days and there will be four phases.A person's soft skill EQ is an important part of their individual contribution to the success of an organization. Particularly those organizations dealing with customers face-to-face are generally more successful if they train their staff to use these skills. Screening or training for personal habits or traits such as dependability and conscientiousness can yield significant return on investment for an organization. For this reason, soft skills are increasingly sought out by employers in addition to standard qualifications.
Eligibility Criteria:The pre-requisite for joining this workshop is zero. This Workshop is best suited for VII to XII Standard Students. Content:The program will be for two days and there will be four phases.Ethical hacking is an important tool in many national security agencies and even companies. An Ethical Hacker is usually employed with the organization and can be trusted to undertake an attempt to penetrate networks and/or computer systems using the same methods as a Hacker. The goal of the ethical hacker is to help the organization take pre-emptive measures against malicious attacks by attacking the system himself; all the while staying within legal limits.
Eligibility Criteria:The pre-requisite for joining this workshop is zero. This Workshop is best suited for VII to XII Standard Students.Digital Media is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. Digital Media activities are search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, campaign marketing, and e-commerce marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e–books, optical disks and games, and any other form of digital media. It also extends to non-Internet channels that provide digital media, such as mobile phones (SMS and MMS), callback and on-hold mobile ring tones.
Eligibility Criteria:The pre-requisite for joining this workshop is zero. This Workshop is best suited for VII to XII Standard Students ContentVedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Indian Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960). In the Vedic system 'difficult' problems or huge sums can often be solved immediately by the Vedic method. These striking and beautiful methods are just a part of a complete system of mathematics which is far more systematic than the modern 'system'. Vedic Mathematics manifests the coherent and unified structure of mathematics and the methods are complementary, direct and easy.
Eligibility Criteria:The pre-requisite for joining this workshop is zero. This Workshop is best suited for VII to XII Standard Students Content